Sunday, May 24, 2009

Red-Zoned into the Arms of Nature

"Red-Zoned into the Arms of Nature"

“It’s the WiFi. That’s what’s going on with you.”


“Yes,” my friend Gordon said, “Northeast Harbor where you work is blanketed with WiFi.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you need to call the town office and find out where the tower is, and ask them about the Red Zone.”

The next day at work I did call the town office. I knew nothing about Red Zones and I’m not sure the woman who answered the phone did either. “If you don’t know where the Red Zone is, can you tell me where the tower is?” I asked.

She put me on hold for a while. “It’s on top of the elementary school.”

I knew what she was talking about, as I’d recently gone over that way, and noticed the eerie-looking, sci-fi complexity rising high above the school. I’d actually gone inside to ask what it was. No one in the school office knew. “Is it a cell tower?” I pressed. The woman looked up once more from her computer. “I don’t know.”

After work Gordon dropped by again. “So what do I do now?” I asked. “The thing is right across the street and down a bit from where I work.”

“Seems the only way, is to get away from the source and pretty much stay away." He had first-hand experience about EMF symptoms, as he'd had to move his office to the country, from his in-town location next to a WiFi cafe. "After six months, I can go online for an hour or so now and then. I can’t stay in Northeast harbor for more than an hour either.” He'd suffered the same vertigo, lack of focus, anxiety, depression, and irritability, that I was experiencing.

After my friend left, I didn’t get up from my chair for a long time, wondering what I was going to do. It was clear I had to quit work; the WiFi sensations had escalated, affecting my nervous system to the point of intolerable, as though something foreign had invaded my body, spinning around inside of me. That night I watched a video about the dangers of cell towers and phones, and about a man in Sweden who was so EMF-sensitive that he had to wear a space suit to work.

I wasn’t going to wear a space suit. I would quit work and then something else would have to happen. But first I tried EMF shielding devices—hats, aprons, and such, which only had the effect of furthering the piercing headaches and dizziness, as though sealing in the electromagnetic fields that had built up inside of me.

The next morning during my daily meditation it came to me how I would heal myself. First of all I was not to worry about how I was going to take care of myself financially. I had enough money saved to live for two months and whatever was to happen after that would be revealed.

The other meditation insight was that healing would begin if I spent hours out in nature. For starters I was to find a tree and lean against it—every day, no matter what the weather. I was to do this for at least fifteen minutes. Now, it was hard to even reach a tree, it being February, dead of winter, with ice crusting deep snow. I was also to spend time by the sea, meditating in nature.

Meanwhile, I was pretty deep into the labile effect of the EMF symptoms, feeling edgy and ungrounded, with unpredictable emotional swings. A medical doctor friend, knowledgeable about EMF, walked me through what I needed to do in my apartment to feel safe and EMF-free. She brought along her ELF meter that measures “extremely low frequency” electromagnetic fields and took readings all over the place. She advised me to move my bed out from the wall, and turn off all my machines (humidifiers and air purifiers) and get rid of my cordless phone.

She recommended Graham Stetzer filters to clean up the “dirty electricity” coming from outside transformers and strong electrical fields caused by appliances and such. I needed seven of these filters. Large homes need as many as twenty. As soon as I plugged them into the outlets, they made a huge difference in the crazy electrical energy zigzagging all through the apartment. My home now felt safe, and energetically quiet.

On my first day into nature, the trails were ice rinks because of rain on snow the previous day. Even with ice-grippers velcro’d across my boots I took care while walking. I’d fallen on black ice once, and one fall on ice was plenty. In a forest of red pine I soon found “my tree.” I crunched through the snow drift and leaned my spine against the trunk.

I had imagined the tree would take the electromagnetic toxins down into the roots and release them into the earth. So I was trying to help it do that, but nothing happened. Something inside of me said, “Just relax. Let go.” I shut my eyes and did just that. After a short while I began to feel energy flowing upwards, up through my spine into the top of the tree, skyward and dispersing into the air. Feeling finished, I wrapped my arms around the tree, touching my forehead to it, and thanking it.

On my first day at the ocean shore, down at the end of Wonderland Trail, it was an overcast day, pretty cold. After meditating for a while, I lay down on the sand and pebble-speck of a beach, arms out, legs apart, in the yoga corpse pose. I fell asleep to the sound of lapping waves and the sound of gulls calling.

It’s almost June now. I still contemplate in Nature two to three hours a day, but as weather grew warmer, my Dr. friend warned me to stop the tree practice because of deer ticks that carry Lyme Disease. Lying and sitting on rocks, or sand, by the shore does the same trick.


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